Developing the Next Generation of Manufacturing

Posted & filed under Industry News.

A decades long shift toward the four-year college track and away from education in skilled manufacturing trades has led to a serious deficit in human resources for a new generation of manufacturing companies that are trying to fill jobs. A recent article posted at The Hill online concerning this skills gap reports, “Retirements and new… Read more »

Nolte to Attend 2012 PMPA Annual Meeting

Posted & filed under Events, Industry News.

Nolte is proud to be a member of the Precision Machined Products Association (PMPA). An international trade organization that represents the interests of precision machined product manufacturers, PMPA organizes many events throughout the year to provide members with the opportunity to be involved and engaged in the industry. One such event is the PMPA Annual… Read more »

Nolte takes part in PMPA Washington DC Fly-In

Posted & filed under Events, Industry News, Tools & Technologies.

As a manufacturer of precision machined products, we, at Nolte, believe we have a responsibility to stay abreast of current legislation that impacts our industry. Decisions being made in Washington have a direct effect on precision machined component businesses. It is critical that we, as business leaders, not only stay informed, but make sure our… Read more »

2012 PMPA Management Update Conference Provides Opportunities for Nolte

Posted & filed under Events, Industry News, Project Updates.

Membership in the Precision Machined Products Association (PMPA) provides Nolte with valuable resources such as access to the latest industry news and developments, as well as opportunities to network with other precision metalworking industry experts. The 2012 Management Update Conference that was held February 24 – 26 in San Diego, California gave Bob and Doug… Read more »