Multiple Spindle Screw Machining
Nolte Precise employs the use of automatic screw machines in order to compliment all of our customer requirements. Our screw machines are able to machine component parts at production rates that surpass the CNC equipment capabilities. Our multiple spindle equipment is capable of producing component parts with cycle times as low as a fraction of a second. This allows Nolte to offer complete cost solutions that benefit our customers’ total cost of operations.
Our preventative maintenance program ensures that the equipment operates at a high level and continues to produce parts that meet customer specifications and hold tight tolerances. Nolte operates some of the most trusted brands of automatic screw machines including Brown & Sharpe, Index, Davenport, and New Britain.
About Screw Machining
Screw machining is performed on a small to medium sized automatic lathe, which is cam operated. The screw machining process is ideal for producing high volumes of turned components for a wide variety of manufacturing industries. CNC screw machining is a newer variety of screw machining technology, which involves computer control. CNC machining has not entirely replaced automatic lathe screw machining, and both processes are widely used in industry today.
While screw machining derives its name from the original purpose of fabricating screws, the concept lends itself to producing a virtually unlimited list of turned component parts. A key advantage of the screw machining process is that after the initial set up, a single operator can monitor and run several screw machines. This makes screw machining a highly consistent and cost effective way to produce high volumes of parts.
Contact us for an appointment to begin the Nolte Precise Process and discover a total cost solution to your parts fulfillment needs.