5 Ways Vendor-Managed Inventory (VMI) Benefits Manufacturers

Posted & filed under Choosing a Parts Supplier, Improving Operations, Industry News, Tools & Technologies.

vendor-managed inventory warehouse image - photo by CHUTTERSNAP https://unsplash.com/photos/BNBA1h-NgdY

The last thing manufacturers want to think about when making complex products with many intricate parts is how they will manage the inventory required to build their final assemblies. Vendor-managed inventory (VMI) becomes an essential benefit when producing complex machine assemblies. For decades machine shops have offered managed inventory to simplify the manufacturing and assembly… Read more »

Benefits of Outsourced Precision Machining

Posted & filed under Industry News.

As an experienced, equipped, and proven supplier of precision machined components, Nolte has partnered with a broad range of manufacturers to bring value to their operations. A great example of this is the case of a customer we have within the fire arms industry. This customer was experiencing significant throughput issues due to lack of… Read more »

New Aluminum and Steel Tariffs Take Effect – How Will Your Swiss Screw Machining Supply Chain be Impacted?

Posted & filed under Industry News.

  On June 1, 2018, new tariffs on steel and aluminum imports from Canada, Mexico, and the European Union (EU) went into effect. The tariff rates of 25 percent on steel and 10 percent on aluminum, have been imposed following recent national security investigations of steel and aluminum imports to the United States under Section… Read more »

Retiring Baby Boomers and the Manufacturing Workforce

Posted & filed under Industry News.

The United States and our economy were both built on skilled labor – manufacturing and construction jobs. Today our economy continues to be driven by skilled labor jobs, but there is a looming threat to this foundation. A generation of baby boomers, approximately 25% of the U.S. population, is soon to be fully retired, and… Read more »