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October is National Manufacturing Month! Recognition of this month is dedicated to highlighting manufacturing, the opportunities the industry holds, and the economic impact it has. As a U.S. manufacturer and precision machining supplier for the manufacturing industry, Nolte is proud to recognize manufacturing as essential segment of the United States economy. 

National Manufacturing Day


Driven by over two centuries of innovation and growth, the manufacturing industry as provided countless jobs and career opportunities. This continues today as emerging technologies such as robotics, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things are leading the path toward a new area of expanding resources and manufacturing innovation. 

A decades long shift toward the four-year college track and away from education in skilled manufacturing trades has led to a serious deficit in human resources for a new generation of manufacturing companies that are trying to fill jobs. This means a growing number of job opportunities in manufacturing. According to Deloitte research, job openings have been increasing at double-digit rates since mid-2017, and are expected to reach the 2001 historical peak. The study also reports that an estimated 2.4 million positions may go unfilled between 2018 and 2028 due to the skills gap in the manufacturing industry.

Educational and training opportunities are being made available to prepare a new generation for careers that promise to offer security and competitive salaries in light of the talent shortage. Nolte Manufacturing is proud to actively support the development of the next generation of U.S. manufacturing. We work with local trade schools, Butler Tech and Great Oaks to provide support through on-the-job training and classroom skills-based training. On Friday, October 4, Nolte hosted 22 students from Butler Tech to recognize National Manufacturing Day. The students toured our facility and learned about the various career opportunities within the industry.


Students visit Nolte for National Manufacturing Day Students visit Nolte for National Manufacturing Day


Nolte also partners with the following organizations to promote continued growth in the manufacturing industry:

National Tooling and Machining Association – Helping member of the U.S. precision custom manufacturing industry achieve profitable growth and business success in a global economy through advocacy, advice, education, networking, information, programs and services.

PMPA (Precision Machined Products Association) Foundation – Promotes and funds education, training and career opportunities in the Precision Machining Industry.

SkillsUSA – A partnership of students, teachers and industry working together to ensure America has a skilled workforce.

Nolte is committed to supporting the manufacturing industry and serving our customers as a dependable and fully capable partner for precision machining needs. Contact us to discuss your needs!