Machined Parts: Four Ways to Reduce Costs

Posted & filed under Improving Operations.

Reducing Parts Costs

Smart and profitable businesses continually look for ways to: lower the cost of doing business, improve product quality and reduce defects, all while increasing efficiency and reducing waste. If 2020 has you considering ways to reduce costs and improve manufacturing profitability, it is time to consider the cost of your machined parts. Process, Materials, Equipment,… Read more »

Cellular Manufacturing

Posted & filed under Industry News, Tools & Technologies.

Cellular manufacturing is a manufacturing approach that falls within the larger concept of just-in-time or lean manufacturing. The objective of cellular manufacturing is to accelerate work flow by making a wide variety of similar products, while producing the lowest degree of waste possible. In cellular manufacturing, multiple “cells” are set up in an assembly line… Read more »

Precision Machined Parts: How to Promote Continuous Improvement

Posted & filed under Industry News, Tools & Technologies.

Increasing efficiency and reducing waste are essential elements in making a business more profitable. Every aspect of the operation typically provides some opportunity for optimization. As a manufacturer, your precision machined parts process likely offers multiple opportunities for continuous improvement. Three areas that offer opportunity for ongoing improvement with the manufacture of precision machined parts… Read more »

How to Reduce Machined Parts Cost

Posted & filed under Tools & Technologies.

Reducing costs is essential to increasing the profitability of your business. The precision machined parts you use in your manufacturing processes could offer an opportunity for significantly reducing your cost of doing business. For example, small modifications made to your part design can actually amount to tremendous savings over time. The following are strategies you… Read more »

Keeping on Schedule: Steps to Working Efficiently with Precision Machining Vendor

Posted & filed under Tools & Technologies.

Working with a precision machining vendor is an effective way for manufacturers to increase efficiency, productivity, and profitability. When establishing a relationship with a precision machining partner, it is important to follow the right steps to assure efficient work flow. Establish Communication Flow Clear lines of communication are essential in any vendor relationship, but especially… Read more »