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Increasing efficiency and reducing waste are essential elements in making a business more profitable. Every aspect of the operation typically provides some opportunity for optimization. As a manufacturer, your precision machined parts process likely offers multiple opportunities for continuous improvement. Three areas that offer opportunity for ongoing improvement with the manufacture of precision machined parts… Read more »

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Your purchased machined parts greatly affect the profitability of your business. No matter how efficient your manufacturing process, if you are paying too much for your machined parts, or you are constantly dealing with problems related to your purchased machined parts, your bottom line will be hurt. The best way to make sure your machined… Read more »

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Reducing costs is essential to increasing the profitability of your business. The precision machined parts you use in your manufacturing processes could offer an opportunity for significantly reducing your cost of doing business. For example, small modifications made to your part design can actually amount to tremendous savings over time. The following are strategies you… Read more »

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Working with a precision machining vendor is an effective way for manufacturers to increase efficiency, productivity, and profitability. When establishing a relationship with a precision machining partner, it is important to follow the right steps to assure efficient work flow. Establish Communication Flow Clear lines of communication are essential in any vendor relationship, but especially… Read more »

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The United States and our economy were both built on skilled labor – manufacturing and construction jobs. Today our economy continues to be driven by skilled labor jobs, but there is a looming threat to this foundation. A generation of baby boomers, approximately 25% of the U.S. population, is soon to be fully retired, and… Read more »

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Today’s manufacturers are challenged by a marketplace that demands rapidly supplied products that are inexpensive, and tailored to meet specific needs. In order to stay profitable and competitive, businesses are seeking new customers in new markets, and often providing a wide range of product configurations and options to meet new consumer needs. Another challenge is… Read more »

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A recent study done by the Manufacturing Institute and Deloitte predicts a serious shortage in skilled manufacturing talent available to fill job vacancies over the next decade. The study sites two significant contributing factors to the increasing skills gap – economic expansion and baby boomer retirement. Along with retirement and economic expansion, other contributing factors… Read more »

CNC Swiss-style machining stylized with brush strokes

Posted by & filed under CNC Lathe Machining, CNC Swiss Screw Machining, Industry News, Tools & Technologies.

In order to provide the most comprehensive machining services for our customers, Nolte continually invests in expanding our capabilities and expertise. Recently, we welcomed a new team member who will enhance our proficiency in the area of Swiss-style machining. About Swiss-Style Machining Swiss-style machining has traditionally been an area highly utilized by the medical and… Read more »